Outpatient Services (IOP & OP)
Making the transition from addiction to sobriety requires preparation and patience. Flexibility is also a plus, which is why people in recovery might consider entering an outpatient program.
Outpatient programs (OPs) offer flexibility for people who cannot commit to receiving addiction treatment in a residential or inpatient setting, which typically requires a stay of 28 days or longer. OP clients need to live off-site while going through rehab as they take care of personal responsibilities that involve home, work, or school. OPs are typically convenient for people who cannot be away for extended periods and cheaper for those who cannot afford residential treatment.
Outpatient programs also give people transitional support if they recently entered inpatient treatment for addictions or substance abuse disorders that are more severe.
Outpatient therapy can take place in a hospital, local clinic, or rehab facility. Therapy can be ongoing, and support can be received at any time throughout the day without the costs of room and board. Also, because outpatient treatment is an affordable option, insurance companies are more likely to cover the program’s costs.
Who Benefits From Outpatient Programs?
Have early-stage substance use disorders that are mild or less severe addictions
Do not require drug or alcohol detoxification services
Want to continue their aftercare upon leaving residential or inpatient treatment
Cannot pay for inpatient treatment or residential treatment
Are motivated to remain on a schedule and committed to sobriety while pursuing their recovery goals
Need structure and can access a network of supportive family and friends
How Are Outpatient Programs Designed?
Outpatient programs are designed to address the specific needs of the client, so how long the programs run as well as the intense therapy offered all vary as it depends on the person.
Outpatient clients will receive the tools and strategies they need to address their addiction or substance use disorder. Their program can run during the daytime or evening in an inviting and therapeutic environment.
Outpatient Programs Can Include Any Of The Following:
Substance abuse education
Cravings and triggers management
Life skills
Individual therapy
Family therapy
Group therapy
Mental health treatment
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
12-step programs
Transitional living facility referrals (including sober living homes)
Relapse prevention training
Anger management
Random drug testing
Outpatient Programs Require Discipline and Focus
Before pursuing an outpatient program, clients need to be honest with themselves as they consider whether they will be able to maintain independence and attend sessions, which can run anywhere from six to nine hours a week or 20-plus hours a week. Programs that are low-to-moderate in intensity may require treatment sessions that run once or twice a week.
Unlike 24-hour residential care, which keeps clients on a schedule and distractions at bay as they focus on their addiction, outpatient programs do not offer around-the-clock care.
Clients are on their own and completely responsible for keeping their environment free of drugs, alcohol, and harmful influences that can derail their recovery plans. They also must remain aware of potential temptations and triggers that can bring relapse.
What’s The Difference Between IOP And OP?
You may have heard of the term intensive outpatient program, or IOP before. IOP is a form of outpatient therapy but is different from attending regular outpatient. IOP not only requires longer, more frequent hours than typical outpatient for substance abuse, but it is far more involved therapy-wise. Read on to see the difference between intensive outpatient programs versus outpatient programs to see which may be right for you!
Here are some of the key points that are included in an intensive outpatient program:
Usually the first step after completing inpatient addiction treatment
Attendance can vary but usually is three hours per day, five days per week
Programs only last a few weeks or months
Involves more rigorous therapy
Geared toward people in early recovery or who need more hands-on support
May cost more
Here are some of the key points that make up a regular outpatient program:
Typically follows the successful completion of an IOP program
Attendance can vary but usually is at least one hour per week
Programs can last up to six months or longer
Involves more hands-off therapy; responsibility for recovery is placed solely on the client
Geared toward people who have more time in recovery and only need minor support
May cost less